Whether you become a host or you donate to a Feast, these are some of the ways you could be supporting people seeking asylum and refugees:

Raising $750
can help provide over 350 warm community meals so people seeking asylum can share a meal in a welcoming environment

Raising $1,000
can help provide housing support and relief payments to help pay for housing and utilities for families at risk of homelessness

Raising $1,500
can help feed a family for 3 months, ensuring they have a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables, and culturally familiar foods
What Your Support Makes Possible
The ASRC needs funds more than ever – with inflation and the spiralling cost of living, people seeking asylum are more reliant on our services. With your Feast we can continue to support and empower people to rebuild their lives in Australia.
In 2022-23 FY alone, our supporters and donors helped us deliver so much. Here’s a snapshot: