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Shiv, Naysa and I are hosting yet another Feast for Freedom.


We invite you to join us in supporting the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC).


We are hosting the - Feast for Freedom (we are calling it Adda@Ours) this March to provide people seeking asylum with access to the essential services they need to rebuild their lives in Australia.


Adda@Ours is scheduled for March 23, 2024 from 5 PM, at our home. We will cook the recipes gifted by refugees that are taken from their own cultural traditions.


Adda, in Bengali means to hangout - over rich conversations, delicious food and lots of love and solidarity. The Feast for Freedom is a meal that makes a difference. Every dollar we raise will go to the ASRC so they can provide essential food, housing and health services to refugees and people seeking asylum.

Please make a donation to help us reach this goal.

Join us on 23rd March for the feast we cook up. Please RSVP by March 8, 2024.

Dhonnobaad, Shukriya, Thankyou.

Navanita, Shiv, Naysa.

My Achievements

Part of the Feast for Freedom Family

Raised $650, is a Tastemaker

Raised $1000, is a Kitchen-Whiz

Raised $2000, joined the Chef's Circle

Uploaded profile picture

Made a self-donation

Reached target

Updated Feast details

My Updates

Using our privileges to build communities of care

Monday 18th Mar
I overheard a conversation the man was having with one of his mates, about our Feast for Freedom, the other day.

🙋🏽‍♂️Mate: Why do you do it? What do you get out of it?

⚫️My man: Naysa, Navanita and I have been doing it for for a few years now. We do not get any monetary benefit. All money donated goes direct to Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. In fact, we spend money in hosting the feast!

🙋🏽‍♂️Mate: So, why do you do it?

⚫️My man: We have. So we share. And you know that e love to gather folks around our dining table... to eat, drink, debate, laugh, get licked by Beau (🐾)...most importantly we want our child to know privileges comes with responsibility...the responsibility of not being ignorant; not keeping wealth earned to just ourselves; to be active community builders.

Listening to Shiv speak, i fell in love with him all over again!❤️

All those of you who have donated - DHONNOBAAD, thankyou. We have, so far, raised $1488.00

The money raised so far has contributed to crisis accommodation for a family seeking asylum for one week.

🙏🏽Please donate if you can.
🙏🏽Please share in your networks for folks to donate if they can.

Here is the link to my page:

Here is a link to my Linkedin posts on this:

Thankyou, for doing what you can.

Thank you to my Sponsors



Nava, this is a beautiful thing you are doing. Blessings lovely human xx


Jane Lewis

Go, Navanita and team!! Hooray! Not sure if I can join you on the day; I'll let you know closer to the time xoO


Rajan Venkataraman


Uzay Ceylan



Very meaningful & valuable event… let’s aim for charity for the Palestinian children & people next





Reah Saunders


Priya Dhanani

Thank you for supporting such an important cause. To give is the least we can do.


Richa Kumari


Nola Turner-jensen

Peace without conflict - Gulbalanha


Gemma Saunders


Elisa Raulings


Tim Cleasby


Deependra Sharma




Nuzhat Lotia


Shiv Nair




Pranab Moumita

Thank you for continuing to make a positive difference in this universe ❤️


Nahila Rahman

Enjoy the adda!


Manju Bhattacharya


Alice Ridge

Good luck!


Gen Morley

Well done Navanita and Shiv. I've hosted one in the past, and you've inspired me to do it again!


Anu Mundkur


Amanda Richmond


Ritika Kurup

You guys are amazing humans, who continue to do amazing things. Thanks for asking me to be a part of this in a small way.


Cara Stephenson

Sounds like a cracking night!


Abismoy Sarma


Alli Burness

WIshing I could be there on Saturday!




Dipa Rao




Dakota Warren


Pranab Bhattacharya


Phoebe Michelmore


Jade Blakkarly


Varun Kanwatia


Geoff Peterson

Wish I could be there will be in PNG. Well done and a great cause!


Geoff Peterson

Donation on behalf of my wife Vanessa who is a big fan of you and your efforts!


Azim M


Amrit Kaur

Keep up the good work. We need more people like you.😍❤️


Jessica Stott

Hope you had a wonderful feast. XX


Red Dearnley


Mahua Samanta

❤️love you for what you do Navanita & team xx





